Skylands and MacKinney have been friendly competitors forever. Bob [actually Bob IV] and I served together as trustees of the New Jersey Fuel Merchants Association, as well as many County and State Fuel Dealer committees and task forces.
I’ve known Bob, Jr. [actually Bob V], Michael and Philip since they were kids.
The mutual respect and trust between truly family owned and operated competitors exhibiting identical values of customer service, community, commitment and quality; makes joining the customer bases of these two companies into one such a significant opportunity for me, my brother Don and son Craig.
Don and Michael were classmates many years back in the Fuel Merchants Top Management Training.
Bob V, Michael, Philip and Cindy will be important pieces of the puzzle going forward all here to continue the top shelf quality personal service you are accustomed to and help our entire staff of office personnel, drivers, plumbers and HVACR technicians learn your preferences and insure you become as comfortable with us as the MacKinney’s made you feel all these years.
All of your account information and history is being uploaded onto our systems. You need not worry about any lapses in your deliveries, budget plans, scheduled service or emergency service when needed. Your service agreements, ProGuard agreements and equipment installation records are also being transferred.
Call For Assistance: (908) 707-1776
There will be some minor changes such as different oil tickets, stationary forms; insignificant items. The key elements of reliability, honesty, workmanship, price and customer care will be as you have come to expect and appreciate.
If ever we drop the ball even just a little fumble please call me personally to make it right!
Welcome, I appreciate the opportunity to exceed your expectations.
Ed Miller