
Do You Have an Energy Emergency?
Morning May Be Too Late!

Call the Skylands 24-Hour Energy Emergency line (908) 707-1776 now and we’ll send a technician over to assess and correct the problem. Don’t leave the safety of your home and family to chance, call Skylands NOW!

Skylands also offers emergency plumbing service on a case-by-case basis. Not sure if you’re plumbing problem qualifies as an emergency? Give us a call and one of our courteous service professionals will be happy to assist you.

emergency hvac services

Safety Checklist – What to do if your oil burner fails to operate automatically:

  • Be sure all oil burner emergency switches are “on”.
  • Set thermostat 5 degrees above actual room temperature.
  • Replace blown or loose fuses, or reset circuit breaker.
  • Inspect system’s water level if you have a boiler.
  • Verify oil level in your tank.
  • Check overload switch on burner motor.
  • Press “reset” button only once!
  • If burner fails to operate, call our 24-hour service line. We’ll be right over!
Just a quick thank you for getting the guys out to pump our oil tank the other night and installing the new tank so quickly. We really appreciate the quick response and your guidance through the process… thanks for providing the kind of customer service that has become so rare these days.
Greg and Janet, Stockton
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